The Prestige Report™
The staple of the AGL services is known as the Prestige Report. This is a full-page laminated report. The Prestige Report is separated into specific parts to make the information presented clearer, with additional comments for each area to provide further information. Below are some samples to illustrate what the final reports look like.
The first level of reporting is an Identification and Enhancement report. Enhancement detection and disclosure is just as essential to every item submitted to the AGL, as its proper Identification. Due to the current situation in the marketplace, where certain gem varieties are routinely treated or enhanced and others are not, as well as the compound nature of many treatment methods today, the AGL breaks up the subject of enhancement into two categories: Standard Enhancement and Additional Enhancement. This allows for the most concise description for the enhanced or un-enhanced condition of the gemstone to be presented.
Within this section, the extent of certain treatments, such as clarity enhancement, will be provided using word descriptions such as insignificant, minor, moderate, etc.
For filling materials used in such gems as emerald, ruby and other gem varieties, the filling material will be identified. A Stability Index is also provided for information as to the general stability of the treatment under conditions of normal wear.
The second level is the Prestige Origin report. This reporting service provides a determination of the gemstone’s country-of-origin or provenance, in addition to the full Identification and Enhancement of the item. Country-of-Origin services are commonly provided for ruby, sapphire, emerald, alexandrite, and a selection of other gem varieties. This service is not available for all gem varieties.
A third level of reporting is the Prestige Full-Grading report. Upon request, a gemstone’s full-quality will be assessed, in addition to the Identification and Enhancement. A country-of-origin determination may or may not be included as per the request of the client and policy of the laboratory. A full-quality analysis will evaluate the color, clarity and cutting of a gemstone using AGL’s proprietary grading standards. In addition, a Total Quality Integration Rating (TQIR) will be provided. The AGL’s TQIR is a simplified verbal description intended to communicate the overall “quality” of gemstone, considering all of the characteristics that go into determining a specific colored stones total quality assessment. These are specific to the gem variety submitted and include such factors as size, provenance (if requested), the presence or absence of treatments, color, clarity and cutting.
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