NEW YORK, NY ― 13 November 2007 ― After several months of discussions with many sectors of the gemstone and jewelry trade in the U.S., Europe and Asia over concern that exists regarding the proper and adequate disclosure of the lead-glass treated rubies that are entering the market in large numbers, the American Gemological Laboratories (AGL) has decided to modify its disclosure policy regarding stones treated in this manner.
The gemstone industry was stunned in 2005 when the market began to be virtually flooded with large amounts of the lead-glass filled rubies for sale at very low prices, often as low as $2-$15 per carat (figure 1). “Those who have developed this treatment found a highly effective means of taking very low quality ruby that was available in massive quantities and turning it into more transparent, facet-grade ruby via a multiple-step process that involves stages of heating, acid cleaning, as well as injecting a high-refractive index glass,” explained C.R. “Cap” Beesley, President of AGL.